Timings of the School Day

The timings of the school day are listed below.
Time Activity
8:20am Movement to line up
8:25am Line up
8:30am Registration – ‘PREPPS’
8:40am Period 1
9:40am Period 2
10:40am Break
10:55am Period 3
11:55am Period 4
12:55pm Lunch Years 7 and 9
Personal Development Lesson Years 8, 10 and 11
1:25pm Lunch Years 8, 10 and 11
Personal Development Lesson Years 7 and 9
1:55pm Period 5
2:55pm End of day


School Opening Hours
Official start time of the compulsory academy day 8.25am
Official end time of the compulsory academy day 2.55pm
Total time this amounts to in a typical week, including breaks but not after-school activities 32.5 hours