Safeguarding Team

At The Birley Academy, we take safeguarding very seriously.

When recruiting any member of staff, we adhere to the guidance laid down in keeping children safe in education (KCSIE).

All adults who work on our site are required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This is to prevent any unsuitable people from working with Birley Academy pupils.

All visitors are supervised when on site.

Safeguarding Team


Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs T Shelley

Mrs Shelley is a highly experienced and knowledgeable safeguarding lead, with experience across primary and secondary. Mrs Shelley oversees our safeguarding team here at The Birley Academy. She oversees the strategic as well as operational safeguarding in school.

Email Mrs Shelley

ASQ photo

Safeguarding Officer

Mr A Squillino

Mr Squillino is a hugely experienced and skilled safeguarding officer and lead. He has worked in schools for a number of years and prior to this as part of the Sheffield Multi-Systemic Team supporting families.

Email our Safeguarding Team


Safeguarding Officer

Miss J Abbott

Miss Abbott is a skilled and knowledgeable safeguarding officer, with a number of years experience in the role here at The Birley Academy.

Email our Safeguarding Team


Deputy Headteacher and DSL

Mr E Child

Mr Child is Deputy Headteacher here at the Birley Academy and has knowledge and experience as a DSL. He oversees the strategic safeguarding here at The Birley Academy alongside his roles leading Behaviour and Attendance.


Headteacher and DDSL

Mrs V Hall

Mrs Hall has a number of years experience as a safeguarding lead alongside her school leadership roles. She has also worked as a Trust Safeguarding Lead, and has overall responsibility for safeguarding here at The Birley Academy.


Deputy Headteacher and DDSL

Mrs S Husband

Mrs Husband is an experienced DSL having worked as this alongside her leadership roles for a number of years. She continues this oversight here at The Birley Academy, in particular linked to our pupils with SEND.


Deputy Headteacher and DDSL

Mrs S Sleaford

Mrs Sleaford is an experienced safeguarding lead, having undertaken this role along with her leadership responsibilities both here and at her previous school. She supports our safeguarding team along with her role leading the Quality of Education.


Senior Attendance Lead

Mrs S Calvert

Mrs Calvert supports our safeguarding team and provides a clear link between attendance and safeguarding in our school.

Contact details for the Safeguarding Team can be found below

If you are worried that a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm, you can contact the Sheffield Safeguarding Hub on 0114 273 4855 (24 hours) to speak to a social worker. If a child is in immediate danger, you should call 999 for a police response. Members of the public can discuss their concerns in confidence and, if necessary, anonymously.

Contact us