Celebrating success: Finlay S to represent GB in the karate World Championship

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We are thrilled that Finlay S, a Year 9 student, has been selected to represent Great Britain in the upcoming karate World Championship, scheduled for October 2024.

This prestigious opportunity is a testament to Finlay’s unwavering commitment and his exceptional abilities. Being chosen to represent one’s country on a global stage is not only a remarkable honour but also a reflection of Finlay’s hard work, perseverance, and talent.

The World Championship is a platform where athletes from across the globe gather to compete at the highest level, showcasing their skills and pushing the boundaries of their respective sports.

To compete in the World Championships, Finlay will need to fundraise to support his participation, and as a school, we will support this cause alongside his club, the Sheffield Dragons.

As a school, we take immense pride in Finlay’s accomplishment and wish him the very best. Well done, Finlay! We will be cheering you on as you embark on this incredible journey representing Great Britain on the world stage.